We operate in accordance with the ISO 14001 environmental management system, which supports sustainable development and forms the foundation of our sustainable approach.
We are committed to operating in accordance with sustainable development principles by preventing and reducing the harmful environmental impacts of our activities.
Our social responsibility is reflected in the well-being and safety of our employees, governance, staff development, and local engagement. It is important to us that every employee feels well and safe. This way, our employees stay with us for a very long time, even throughout their whole careers. Read more about employee well-being on our blog.
We also support local activities by sponsoring sports clubs and various events. Our Key Flag certification indicates domestic production, and we provide employment opportunities locally.
We are a profitable and financially sound company, as proven by our AAA certification. This certification proves that our financial figures are above average and our financial background is positive. Salaries are paid on agreed dates, and we comply with the collective agreements of the technology industry and the industrial union. West Welding is one of the highest corporate tax-paying companies in the municipality of Teuva.
Our operations are regulated by both Finnish laws and international regulations and standards. We adhere to the requirements set by these laws, regulations, and related standards that govern our operations. We do not tolerate corruption or bribery. Our values and ethics are reflected in our Code of Conduct, which we also require audited subcontractors and suppliers to follow.
When selecting our subcontractors, we do not accept operators who operate in areas where human rights are violated or where freedom of expression is restricted. We also avoid countries in conflict, such as countries at war or countries engaged in a trade war against the EU.
The Strongest in Finland certificate from Asiakastieto is a symbol of good governance. The Platinum certificate is awarded to only about 3% of Finnish companies, and West Welding is one of them.
The ownership of the company is distributed as follows: the Österberg Group through its company Manor Oy (42%), West Welding’s operational management and employees (31%), and Viacap Oy (27%).